Health & Wellness

Unleash Your Creative Juices: The Science Behind Brain.FM for Authors

Chelle Honiker Facing the blank page, with the cursor blinking like a beacon of wasted time, writers often find themselves in a silent standoff with their own creativity. The challenge goes beyond simply putting words on a page; it\’s about summoning the muse, maintaining focus, and breaking through the barriers of writer\’s block. This is […]

Unleash Your Creative Juices: The Science Behind Brain.FM for Authors Read More »

Standing Desks for Writers: Worth the hype?

Standing Desks for Writers: Worth the Hype or An Expensive Coat Rack?

Published in 2018 by the US Department of Health and Human Services, the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggests that adults should sit less and move more to experience “immediate and longer term benefits for how people feel, function, and sleep.” Sit Less, Move More. Thank You, Captain Obvious.  This isn’t

Standing Desks for Writers: Worth the Hype or An Expensive Coat Rack? Read More »

Staying Fit While in the Flow: Three Wellness Tips for Writers

As writers, there is nothing better than finding ourselves in the creative zone of genius, furiously pumping out words for hours at a time. Before you realize it, you’ve gone a whole day sitting in one spot, realizing only when you stand up that your joints should not sound like popping bubble wrap.  It’s possible

Staying Fit While in the Flow: Three Wellness Tips for Writers Read More »