From the Publisher

News & Updates from Chelle Honiker, publisher of IAM.

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From The Publisher: The Product of Perseverance

When it comes down to a hero’s journey, the one thing that makes the story compelling is their ability to overcome the obstacle. What odds did they beat? What was previously insurmountable that they have now conquered? And, more importantly, how did they achieve success? Grit. Determination. Stick-to-it-ness. The answer, more often than not, comes

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Drowning‌ ‌in‌ ‌a‌ ‌Sea‌ ‌of‌ ‌Distractions‌

Like many creatives, I suffer from a terminal case of bright shiny object syndrome. I see ideas everywhere, and run after them like a puppy chasing a ball, leaving old ones by the wayside. I’ve also developed the terrible habit of stopping (too) often to check email, social media notifications, or reply to text messages. 

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Gamer creator explaning to african worker how testing game level interface

Breaking Up (With Software) is Hard to Do… And Expensive Too.

Chelle Honiker You could safely call me a digital hoarder. If there were a show about nerds who download and play with apps and find obscure programs to solve problems (that probably don’t really need solving) with technology, I would be its poster child. I am obsessed with trying new things. Two of my favorite

Breaking Up (With Software) is Hard to Do… And Expensive Too. Read More »